
Reports are required to be submitted in accordance with Kingdom Law, Section IV.3.i. Written Reports. This may be either hard copy or electronic. When reporting, include what you’ve done since the last reporting cycle, any issues or things that worked well, and your plans for the next reporting cycle.

Webwrights of official groups are required by the Laws of Lochac to report quarterly. This is as follows:

Reporting Schedule

Group TypeReports dueReporting to
Barony (4 Reports per year)1 February
1 May
1 August
1 November
Kingdom Webwright and Baronial Seneschal
Shire (4 Reports per year)1 February
1 May
1 August
1 November
Kingdom Webwright and Shire Seneschal
Canton (4 reports per year)1 January
1 April
1 July
1 October
Baronial Webwright and Canton Seneschal
College (4 Reports per year)1 January
1 April
1 July
1 October
Sponsoring Group Webwright and College Seneschal
Incipient Group (4 Reports per year)1 January
1 April
1 July
1 October
Sponsoring Group Webwright and Incipient Group Seneschal

A calendar with reporting due date reminders has been created to assist officers in Baronies and Shires, as well as one for Cantons, Colleges and Incipient Groups.

Webwrights of unofficial groups (such as Guilds and Hamlets) or roles (such as Kingdom Officers and Peerage Orders): You have a different reporting paradigm. Please send in a report on your website at least annually. If you do this, the Lochac Webwright will know that your website is still being maintained and administered. It is up to you how much detail you give, although the webwright form is still recommended.

Reports from the Kingdom Webwright are due to be submitted to the Kingdom Seneschal and Society Webminister by the end of February, May, August and November.