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The Lochac Webwright has the responsibility of overseeing all websites for the Kingdom of Lochac and its subordinate groups. This includes Baronies, Shires, Cantons, Hamlets, Colleges, Guilds as well as other Kingdom Officer sites and the Kingdom’s own site. The Webwright also manages our Announcement and Discussion mailing lists and cooperates with the Masonry Team and the Social Media Officer to help provide assistance to all in the Kingdom who need to get their message out.

The current Lochac Webwright is Count Alain Quartier. Contact them via:

The Masonry Team maintains the technology service for Lochac, so if you have any questions regarding a mailing list or website for your group, or if you’re a Kingdom Officer and are having issues with your email, you can Ask Masonry for help.

The idea behind this site is to model ideas on how to configure a website for a Lochac group. Hopefully it is also a handy reference to help request forms, policies, and other documentation of use to webwrights throughout the Kingdom.